
Sex Dolls Provide You With Friendship and Love

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Sex dolls provide physical comfort to the host
The collaborators of sex dolls did not propose that the so-called pornographic material involving real children should be legalized. Instead, they believe that artificially produced materials can be useful preventive alternatives for children who are actively trying to offend real children. For example, the mini 100cm doll is easy to see the appeal of models and influencers with her perfect smile and the wardrobe of Adidas and Chanel.

Users often report feeling lonely. This is one of the topics highlighted in the fourth channel documentary and sex doll user online forum above. For these men (because most doll owners are men), their TPE doll are not just a way to get rid of sex. They offer friendship, friendship and love (some bosses don't even like the word "boss", preferring to be called "doll lovers").

It is expected to reach 23 billion pounds by 2020, and the sex technology industry seems to be the biggest winner in the field of sex doll robots. Smart toys, such as app-controlled vibrators and virtual reality porn - use headphones for 3D interaction - are already available, but later this year we will see the world's first "smart condom". Using regular condoms on the ring, sex dolls not only allow users to feedback their bedroom performance (think of the number of calories burned and thrusted), but also detect sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and syphilis. Its manufacturer claims to have received nearly 1 million bookings.

Like a sex doll, pedophilia itself is a controversial topic. Confusion between paedophilia and sexual abuse of children is commonplace in society (apparently connected, but these two terms are not synonymous), which leads to an emotional response and “sex” to the label “Pedophilia”. Similar criminals are more common..

This is after the opening of the first "sex doll brothel" in the UK - to provide customers with the "first purchase" service in the industrial zone. Speaking of the "fourth industrial revolution" - the new digital age - artificial intelligence technology will never let humans outdated in the future. Even so, experts predict that by 2030, 9 million British jobs will be eliminated due to artificial intelligence. Should we be afraid?

Sex robots will use the built-in microphone to listen to what you are saying, and can tell you when to make a joke and cause laughter. The ultimate goal is to let her do housework, such as opening the dishwasher. But the creator said that one of her main uses is to provide physical comfort to the host.

The victimization rate of rape in the United States indicates an inverse relationship between pornography consumption and rape rates. Data from other countries indicate a similar relationship. Although these data cannot be used to determine the impact of pornography on rape and the lack of evidence to support negative causal assumptions in the scientific literature, it can be concluded that it is time to abandon the assumption that porn can help. Sexual abuse.

Recent topics about sex doll have become hotter. However, recent conversations have turned to those who use sex dolls to bring risks to women and children. However, one of the problems with these conversations is that they are not dialogue at all. They are often ideologically driven roars, dissidents are yelling and feel uneasy during the conversation.

Sex dolls and sensors can react to your touch. A company even developed a head that can talk, smile and sing for its robot dolls, while sex dolls are the first to provide "emotional connections." Experts say that these professional robots will appear in ordinary families in the next decade, because lonely humans are looking for love.

People really marry them, can silicone sex doll "cheat"? According to the sex doll company, the company has a series of amazingly realistic sex robots behind it, and these futuristic fans are actually saving the lives of lonely men who marry them.

A spokesperson for the company said that the most commonly used robots are still pure sexual partners. But they added: "We hear a lot of reasons from our customers, from sex to family partners to art just for beauty.

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